All week, I have talked with my clients about their "year in review," and some of the highs and lows of 2013. This morning, I woke up early and began reflection on the highs and lows of my year. As I contemplated the events of the year, I kept returning to this same thought, "I am so grateful."
The moments that brought me the most joy were so simple. Coffee with girlfriends, volleyball in the park, running on the trails near my home, watching sunsets from the balcony of my bedroom, throwing the football with my boys, jumping on the trampoline, making dance videos with Caleb. My boys...I am so thankful for the two young men God entrusted to my care.
Often, I creep in to my boys' rooms and watch them sleep. I sneak snuggles with them on the couch before they realize they are great big teenage boys and shrug out of my arms. When Noah and Caleb were young, I used to breathe in the smells of baby shampoo and lotion. Now, Axe body spray, smelly feet and some good ole' teenage boy, body odor are the scents that often meet me, when we hug. I don't care. I don't want to forget. I want to remember every moment we shared and this thought reminds me to slow down.
As 2013 draws to end, don't forget to stop and enjoy the simple moments. Drive a little slower and look at the Christmas lights around town. Spend the day in your pajamas and play hide and seek with your kids. Smile at people in the mall. Send texts to friends and family, and tell them how much they mean to you. Breathe in the scents of your children.
Most of all, don't forget to stop and read about Jesus. He is the most amazing gift and His birth is miraculous! Emmanuel, God with us and the reason we celebrate Christmas gets lost in the busyness of the holidays. Don't forget...
Life will never be perfect, and 2014 will certainly have it's highs and lows too. Slowing down, and enjoying the simple moments of life will breathe new life into your busy, cluttered life. Don't forget...It's a wonderful life!