Miscarriage, spontaneous abortion, pregnancy loss...These are three
common terms used by the medical field to explain the loss of a fetus
before the 20th week of pregnancy. All three words cause pain in my
heart, even after several years. Why? Because I lost three babies to
miscarriage. Some people think miscarriages are no big deal. Miscarriage
is so "common," that most women don't properly grieve the loss of their
Infertility is something I struggled with for years, and getting
pregnant seemed impossible, but it happened. The joy in my heart was
abundant when after two pregnancy losses, I became pregnant once again.
The pregnancy progressed, and I was considered high risk. I had blood
work, and several ultrasounds which confirmed the pregnancy to be viable
and healthy. At 12 weeks, my Doctor encouraged me to relax and enjoy my
pregnancy. Somehow I could not and intuitively knew something was
wrong. I went in to my doctor for an another ultrasound and at 14 weeks,
my worst fears were confirmed. The beautiful baby I had seen on the
ultrasound monitor so many times, alive and kicking, with a beating
heart was no longer alive. My doctors were dumbfounded and I sobbed on
the table in disbelief.
Today, August 17, was my due date and my daughter Grace Faith
would have been have seven years old. Each year, I go to a special place
alone and release Happy Birthday balloons to her and to the other two
babies I lost. It may seem weird to some that I choose to remember this
date and commemorate such an event, but for me, it is healing.
You may wonder why I am writing about this issue? Over the years, my
heart has hurt as many women who were aware of my struggle with
infertility and miscarriage, also shared their stories. Many also share
how old their children would be, if they had been carried full term.
When I lost my babies, people told me "it's just a miscarriage." I'm
sure these "well meaning" people did not understand the sting their
words held. For me and countless other women, it was never "just a
miscarriage." These babies were real. Our bodies changed, and we knew of
that sweet precious angel in our wombs. Many (like me) had the
privilege of seeing the baby's heart beat and their cute little wriggles, during
ultrasounds. Either way, our sweet babies were real and we loved them.
If you lost a baby to miscarriage, your pain and your loss are real. It
is okay to remember your due date and to think about what that child
would have looked like. It is perfectly acceptable to commemorate your
loss. Your child was real and your love for that baby was genuine.
I invite you to share your story, if you would like. You can share it
here, or if you would like to do so in private, feel free to email me
at: angiedhamp@gmail.com. Our babies should not be forgotten and
thankfully, we have the joy of knowing they are in Heaven waiting for
Happy Birthday, Grace Faith!
We seriously need to get together for coffee or something! I would love to chat with you about our similar journeys :)